How it works..

How to participate?

  • For Academic Researchers

    Research2Business helps academic researchers promote their published research and research capability to a wide business audience. Turn your research publications into translated ‘thought leadership’. Also promote your research capabilities to foster engagement and collaboration with industry.

  • Industry Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

    Non-academic Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) can publish (subject to approval) research-based thought leadership content to our professional audience in industry. Simply apply for authoring access (button below) and you will be provided with access once approved. SMEs can also respond to collaboration invitations posted by industry.

  • For Industry

    Industry participants may access the portal for FREE. However, selected value-added services (such as posting challenges) require a subscription. Organisations are also able to embed Research Insights content library into their corporate Learning Management System (LMS) for content access across their organisation.

Research insights

  • Research Insights is more than just an academic journal database. Rather, the latest in academic research from our university partners is translated ‘into the language of business for business’.

    The Insights library provides direct access to published research as well as author videos and blog posts of leading thought leadership from leading researchers and invited ‘Subject Matter Experts’ in their field.

  • Academics, and invited Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), can submit their publications and other thought leadership content (such as blogs or recordings) as Research Insights.

    This involves completing a structured online form to aid with translation of the article for a professional business audience.

    Submissions are reviewed and curated as needed for optimal audience impact. Insights are then populated into the searchable repository according to key topic themes (what we term “Channels”). This allows readers to search for Insights according to their own topic preferences and for distribution across our many communities.

  • Our uniqueness lies in our content distribution model. Our Research Insights application is integrated into the multiple learning communities with which we interface.

    This involves the provision of Insights as learning content into 3rd party content platforms and corporate Learning Management Systems across our ecosystem.

    In turn, this learning and knowledge ecosystem comprises individual organisations, professional associations and employer bodies.

    This delivers unprecedented exposure of thought leadership and research insights to a national and global audience of over 80,000 organisations representing a professional workforce of over 1 million employees.

Research Finder

  • Research Finder is an interactive directory of research capability within Australian universities.

    It aimed to make discovery of research capability convenient, easy and accessible by industry.

    In addition to all contact details, an outline of the research capability, current programs of work and example case studies of research are provided.

  • Both research centres, as well as focused areas of research concentration, are listed.

    This makes finding potential collaborators by industry easy as a one-stop-shop.

    Our data matching allows the matching of research capability to listed challenges by business.

Improving translation of research and collaboration